Third book in edit

It's been an amazing journey, but book three, Destiny by Chance is now in edit.  We are working on cover art and finalizing marketing for the introduction of my newest novel.  I'm so excited.  I love Meeting Melissa and Letters from Becca, but I am really excited about Destiny by Chance.  I feel it's a gripping story that will hopefully keep you loving and even hating some of the characters...   Can't wait to share Destiny with you... will keep you posted on her release!  

Letters From Becca is finally live on Amazon!

I say finally because I've only been working on this romance novel on and off for 25 years.  And in that time her story has changed and she and the other characters in her story have become more real.  This novel release is one of the most exciting for me because it's one of the first few novels I wrote and the characters had been very near and dear to me.  I've had so much fun writing about Becca and John and Marissa and David.  I hope you enjoy reading Letters From Becca.  And if you do, I hope you'll share her with all your friends and family that are readers.  Sharing is caring, right?!

I look forward to sharing so many more stories with you in the near future.

Writing is a job

No matter how much fun writing is, it's definitely a job.  From research, to posting on social media, to editing and advertising it's a non-stop job.  However, this job if a joy!  I never thought I would NOT miss catering. I DO miss the people, and serving others... but there's no early morning drives to work.  (I can work from home in my pj's.)  There's no dirty dishes, (except those that I make from eating at my desk.)  There's no heavy lifting, (unless you count lifting my butt from the chair for a few breaks during the day).  I get great joy out of sharing my stories...  I hope you get as much joy out of reading them as I get from writing them.  God bless your day!  xxo mag

Writing with distractions!

I forgot how much fun writing was with a five year old.  (When I first started writing, my kids were young, but I'm older now.  Less energy!  Less patience.)  I must have re-read and re-edited the same paragraph over and over.  Just like reading a book and you never get past the first chapter from interruptions.  Jaxson is a welcome distraction, but honestly, I started this post four hours ago and just now am finishing it!  Any parent, or even grandparent out there understands what I mean.....   two hours of working on spelling and number and shape games, 1 hour of hide and seek (how do you convince a 5 year old that he should find a new place to hide instead of the same one, twelve times....), and playing dinosaurs on the floor.  (Yeah, get a visual of that one in your head!)  So, now I'm starting on the next paragraph and am determined to get through that one!  Ten pages a day!  Not even close right now!

Getting there

Last week I finished my first book in twenty five years.  It's been a process.  It began as a book... then when I dabbled in writing screenplays in the 80s, it was turned into a screenplay.  Then I rewrote the screenplay.  By the time I returned to writing it in novel form, it had been transformed to a completely different story from where it started.  The characters were the same, but they had grown and matured.  As had I.  As we now walk through the edit phase and the cover art phase before putting it on Amazon, I hope that you will travel with me on this journey.  I look forward to sharing Meeting Melissa with you very soon.